Can You Keep a Secret? Sophie Kinsella 9780440241904 Books

Can You Keep a Secret? Sophie Kinsella 9780440241904 Books
I am a 53-year-old man with grown children and a garage full of power tools but God help me I love these books. I started reading them so I'd have something to talk about with my teenage daughters and I just can not Stop.
Tags : Can You Keep a Secret? [Sophie Kinsella] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Meet Emma Corrigan, a young woman with a huge heart, an irrepressible spirit, and a few little secrets: Secrets from her boyfriend: </i>I’ve always thought Connor looks a bit like Ken. As in Barbie and Ken. Secrets from her mother:</i> I lost my virginity in the spare bedroom with Danny Nussbaum while Mum and Dad were downstairs watching Ben-Hur. Secrets she wouldn’t share with anyone in the world:</i><b> </b>I have no idea what NATO stands for. Or even what it is. Until she spills them all to a handsome stranger on a plane. At least,Sophie Kinsella,Can You Keep a Secret?,Dell,0440241901,Contemporary Women,Humorous,Romance - Contemporary,Businesswomen,English Light Romantic Fiction,Fiction,Fiction - General,Fiction Humorous,Fiction Romance Contemporary,Love stories,Young women
Can You Keep a Secret? Sophie Kinsella 9780440241904 Books Reviews
I’d just finished reading a very heavy book, and I wasn’t in the mood for anything remotely complicated or dense.
When I saw Can You Keep a Secret? floating around in my massive TBR, I literally yelled “yes!” Pre-blog, I read Kinsella’s Twenties Girl and Confessions of a Shopaholic books. This author is a master of hilarity, awkward situations and heartfelt moments.
Can You Keep a Secret? fits those qualities perfectly. The premise alone was too cute to pass up. A girl who gushes all her deepest, darkest secrets to the handsome man next to her on a plane, who she later finds out is her new boss?! Perfect.
This is the ideal beach, vacation or traveling read. It’s light but engaging and sweet yet sincere. It doesn’t require a lot of focus, but it’s 400+ pages will keep you entertained.
Some people have issues with these types of books because they’re not “serious literature,” but who cares? Not every book has to change your life and challenge your brain. Reading is supposed to be entertainment, and I often need a break from all the aliens and vampires and dystopias.
The only real criticism I have for this book – and Kinsella’s books in general – is the heroine, Emma. It’s not her fault, but she’s just like every other Kinsella leading lady. She is struggling in her career, a bit inept with her friends and family, interested in superficial things and has a penchant for making huge life mistakes.
It’s a great character, don’t get me wrong, but Emma could have replaced both characters from the other two Kinsella books I’ve read and no one would have noticed.
That is sort of non-issue for me overall because I simply adore Kinsella’s prose and dialogue. The romance is pretty predictable, but the same is true of any romcom movie.
And, at least in Can You Keep a Secret? there is a nice little point about telling the truth and practicing honestly in life and relationships.
I really needed this. It was plain enjoyable. The characters in every Kinsella book are all pretty much the same, but they’re likable enough that you might be like me and not care. Can You Keep a Secret? is basically a romcom in book form, and if you’re looking for a beach/travel read this is your book.
The Shopaholic series was a guilty pleasure of mine last year, and was just the thing to read while, e.g., sitting in the vet's office when my dog was terribly ill (he's okay now, thanks for asking), so I approached "Can You Keep a Secret" with both interest and a certain amount of trepidation. Kinsella has a formula that works for her, so I assumed that this latest book would be formulaic. But would it be intolerably so?
The answer for me was both yes and no. "Can You Keep a Secret?" definitely follows the pattern that Kinsella set with the original Shopaholic series, of a ditzy and insecure young woman stumbling into good fortune, figuratively and literally, by meeting a high-powered executive and charming the socks and everything else off of him. This SHOULD be complete BS, but somehow Kinsella makes it work.
No, not somehow. She makes it work because her heroines are indeed extremely charming, full of high spirits and keenly aware of the ridiculousness of the positions in which they find themselves, and are always able to overcome their external obstacles and internal insecurities to come out on top, save the day, and get the guy. Kinsella also sprinkles on the glitz and glamor with a liberal hand, but is still able to provide a pretty sharp critique of modern consumerist society and the way it can brainwash people into overspending and chasing after things that aren't actually that important. And she's got a great eye for the ways in which people feed themselves false narratives that they then cling to long past all sense. Not to mention a sparkling prose style.
"Can You Keep a Secret?" did, however, strike me as a little formulaic. What felt surprisingly groundbreaking in the early Shopaholic books felt a little more like retreading the same ground here. Furthermore, there were some things that gave me the sense that neither she nor her editor could be bothered to smooth out the details e.g., Emma is 25, but if Jack actually started his company back in the 1980s, he must be twice her age, but the age difference never really comes up. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention, but a 25-year age gap between partners is a biggish deal in my book.
Still, "Can You Keep a Secret?" goes down very smoothly, like cake or one of the Panther colas that Emma is supposed to be selling. If you're looking for some hard-hitting realism or an in-depth examination of the dark side of the human soul, you'll probably want to keep on looking, but if you enjoy Kinsella's other books or the genre in general, you're likely to enjoy this quite a lot.
I am a 53-year-old man with grown children and a garage full of power tools but God help me I love these books. I started reading them so I'd have something to talk about with my teenage daughters and I just can not Stop.

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